Hópaferðir og Sérferðir
Draumafríið á Íslandi
Reykjavik Excursions (Kynnisferðir) hafa verið leiðandi afl í íslenskri ferðaþjónustu í meira en 50 ár. Hjá okkur starfa þaulreyndir sérfræðingar sem sérsníða fjölbreyttar ferðir að ólíkum hópum alla daga. Hvort sem um er að ræða rútu til að skutla vinnustaðnum í veislu eða margra daga hópferðalag um landið er um að gera að hafa samband og fá tilboð í pakkann. Að finna hagkvæmustu og skemmtilegustu lausnirnar fyrir alls konar hópa eru okkar ær og kýr.
Við erum stolt af flotanum okkar og leigjum út stórar og smáar bifreiðar af nýjustu gerð allt árið. Um er að ræða fjölbreyttan flota bifreiða sem henta ólíkum aðstæðum og þörfum, hvort sem þær þurfa að keyra Reykjanesbrautina eða þvera jökulár. Rúturnar okkar eru 7 til 69 sæta og eru allar í fyrsta flokks ástandi. Þær eru rúmgóðar, þægilegar og umhverfisvænar. Í þeim eru þriggja punkta öryggisbelti fyrir alla um borð og er farþegum velkomið að tengjast fríu interneti. Rúturnar okkar voru nýlega verðlaunaðar á sviði umhverfismála sem "Sjálfbærasti hópferðabíllinn 2020". Þessi virtu verðlaun koma heim og saman við stefnu fyrirtækisins í umhverfismálum sem er afar framsækin.
Láttu draumafríið rætast með okkur! Ertu með sérstök áhugamál eða ákveðnar hugmyndir um hvað þú vilt sjá og gera á meðan þú ferðast innanlands? Leyfðu okkur að skipuleggja draumafríið svo þú getir notið þess sem best þegar á hólminn kemur. Það er okkar markmið að mæta þörfum viðskiptavina okkar. Ef þú vilt hoppa í fossa og klifra á jöklum getum við græjað það. Ef þú vilt upplifa auðnina uppi á hálendi í ró og næði er það ekkert mál. Ef þú þarft meiri hasar, þá er það auðsótt mál. Það er svo margt í boði á Íslandi og við höfum áratugareynslu af því að skipuleggja dagskrá sem er bæði skemmtileg og þægileg. Sendu okkur línu og við svörum um hæl með tillögum að raunverulegu draumafríi á Íslandi.
Ísland er raunveruleg ævintýraeyja og undanfarin ár hefur framboð af fjölbreyttri afþreyingu innanlands stóraukist. Íslendingar þurfa ekki að fara langt til að skipta um takt, gera eitthvað öðruvísi og skemmta sér konunglega. Sem dæmi má nefna jöklaferðir, hestaferðir, hvalaskoðun, aparólur og vélsleða.
Hafðu samband og leyfðu okkur að finna ævintýralega afþreyingu við þitt hæfi á sales@re.is
Top Five Places to Visit on Your Iceland Private Tour: Discover the Land of Fire and Ice
Embark on a journey of discovery like no other with a tailor-made tour in Iceland, where the allure of the untouched wilderness meets the luxury of a curated travel experience. Immerse yourself in the wild beauty of this Nordic gem as you venture beyond the tourist trails. Reaching places that remain a mystery to many. With a private tour, the road less travelled doesn't just beckon — it unfolds right before your eyes.
Your personal guide, an expert in all things Iceland, will reveal local secrets and hidden treasures that transform your trip into an unforgettable saga. From the thundering waterfalls to the quiet majesty of the glaciers, and the lesser-known delights hidden within the rugged Icelandic landscape, you're not just visiting these wonders, you're experiencing them.
There are the top places to visit during your Iceland private tour, revealing both popular tourist attractions and hidden gems, as well as insider tips on accommodations, transportation, and local cuisine.

1. The Golden Circle
The iconic Golden Circle route is a trio of natural wonders that encapsulates the raw beauty and power of Iceland.
Despite being one of the most hyped routes, its popularity is far from unmerited. Comprising the thundering Gullfoss waterfall, the geysers of Geysir geothermal area, and the continental rift at Þingvellir National Park, the Golden Circle showcases the dramatic diversity of Iceland's landscapes. And trust us, the reality far outshines the hype.
Gullfoss, or the "Golden Falls", is a spectacular two-tiered waterfall that plunges into a deep canyon, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of water and mist. The Geysir geothermal area is home to the famous Strokkur geyser which, true to its reputation, erupts every few minutes, shooting water high into the air. Þingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the only place on Earth where you can walk between two tectonic plates, a testament to Iceland's geological wonders.
On a private Golden Circle tour, you can explore these sights at your own pace, soaking in the majesty without the rush. And with a local guide at your side, you'll gain insights and stories that bring these remarkable places to life. So, yes, the Golden Circle might be well-trodden, but it's a path that never ceases to amaze, delivering an unforgettable Icelandic experience.

2. The South Coast
Iceland's South Coast is a remarkable region that rivals the Golden Circle in popularity and, some might argue, surpasses it in sheer beauty. This stretch of coastline is a symphony of cascading waterfalls, black sand beaches, and towering cliffs, all set against the backdrop of glistening glaciers and the vast Atlantic Ocean.
The South Coast is a testament to Iceland's dramatic and diverse landscapes. On a private tour of Iceland's South Coast, you'll have the freedom to explore the most known natural wonders at your own pace, as well as get off the beaten paths if you wish.
On a private South Coast tour, the undivided attention of your expert guide will enhance your experience with local insights and lesser-known spots. It's a journey that will leave you awestruck at every turn.

3. The Crown Jewel of Iceland: Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
Farther on the South Coast to east, you'll find one of Iceland's most breathtaking gems: Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. With its immense floating icebergs set against a backdrop of a sprawling glacier, Jökulsárlón is arguably one of the most enchanting natural wonders Iceland has to offer.
Visiting Jökulsárlón on a private tour allows you to explore this natural spectacle at your own pace. Without the restrictions of group schedules, you can take the time to fully absorb the serene beauty of the lagoon, and even return at different times of day to see how the light transforms the icebergs.
Your personal guide will also provide in-depth knowledge about the lagoon's formation and the area's unique geology. Plus, you'll have the chance to visit lesser-known spots and experience the area away from the usual crowds, making your trip to Jökulsárlón an even more exclusive and personal experience.

4. The Snæfellsnes Peninsula
The enchanting Snæfellsnes Peninsula is often referred to as "Iceland in Miniature". This title is well-deserved, as the region packs in a diverse range of landscapes, mirroring the country's broader natural beauty, all within a compact area.
Though less visited than the Golden Circle and South Coast, Snæfellsnes is no less majestic. Highlights include the picture-perfect Kirkjufell, a standalone mountain that has graced many a traveler's Instagram feed, and the imposing Snæfellsjökull glacier, a dazzling white expanse that's visible from Reykjavík on clear days.
Each turn on this peninsula reveals a new spectacle, from rugged cliffs and sparkling fjords to charming coastal villages. Yet, despite its condensed array of attractions, the peninsula doesn't attract the same crowd sizes as some of Iceland's other sights, making a private Snæfellsnes tour a perfect choice for those who love comfortable sightseeing road trips and want to explore lesser-known areas.
On a private Snaefellsnes tour, you get to enjoy the exclusivity of unspoiled landscapes and the comfort of a personalized tour. You will soon understand why Snæfellsnes earns its nickname, all while experiencing the real, untouched Iceland that many travelers miss.

5. The Icelandic Highlands
Venture off the beaten path and into the heart of Iceland's uninhabited wilderness with an exploration of the stunning Highlands. This area, accessible only by the most robust 4x4 vehicles due to its rough roads and river crossings, offers an exclusive experience you won't find on any regular tour.
Navigating the Highlands' terrain is a thrilling adventure in itself. The landscapes you'll discover are beyond compare and seem straight out of a fairy tale.
Thórsmörk is a captivating valley sheltered by three imposing glaciers, creating a unique microclimate and a landscape. Here, you'll find verdant valleys, craggy mountain peaks, winding rivers, and dramatic canyons. The raw, untouched beauty of Thórsmörk is unlike anything else in Iceland, making it a favorite among those lucky enough to visit.
With a private Thórsmörk tour, you can access this exclusive area all year round, with the assurance of a skilled driver and guide to navigate the challenging terrain.
As such, a private tour to Thórsmörk isn't just a journey, it's a life-changing experience that ranks among the best things you can do in Iceland.

In conclusion, our Iceland private tours open the door to a world of unrivaled natural beauty and unforgettable experiences. We invite you on an adventure that covers and extends beyond the typical tourist trails.
Unveile the mystique of the Golden Circle, the serene Jökulsarlon glacier lagoon, and other hidden gems in the Icelandic landscape. Every detail of your journey is thoughtfully curated and personalized to ensure your satisfaction.
So why wait? Secure your spot on our Iceland private tour today and prepare yourself for a journey that will etch deep into your memory, painting an everlasting portrait of Iceland's wild splendor in your heart.